Council Meetings:
Current Year
Council Meetings: Current Year
Council Meetings
Council has made the decision to hold just one Full Council Meeting per month (generally on the third Thursday of the month). A Planning, Highways & Licensing Committee Meeting will only be held at the start of the month if any urgent Planning Applications arise that could be controversial or require discussion at a meeting.
MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC are welcome to attend all Parish Council meetings where an Agenda is published and time is set aside at the beginning of the meeting for public questions and comments. The public are not permitted to speak whilst business of the Council is being discussed, unless invited to do so by the Chairman.
Schedule of Parish Council Meeting Dates:
Meetings generally commence at 7pm in the Billiard Room at the Reading Room, unless otherwise specified on the Agenda.
N.B., Please check the website/parish noticeboards for agendas, as planning, highways and licensing committee meetings will only proceed if there is urgent business.